Functional Medicine Consulting

Are you ready to finally eliminate your chronic digestive or endometriosis symptoms?


If you’re tired of ongoing digestive issues and hormone dysfunction, you’re not alone. 

Most of my clients are:

  • struggling with bowel issues, whether going too often or not enough.
  • dealing with digestive or pelvic pain on a regular basis.
  • fatigued and barely able to make it through the day.
  • struggling with their weight and body image.
  • unsure of what foods are serving them, and frustrated with all the advice out there.
  • feeling like they've tried "all the things" and still aren't getting relief, or they've been told by their primary care physician that everything "looks fine."

I'm here to change that! 

It’s Time To End The Bathroom Runs and Pain, And Start Living Again.

I take a very collaborative approach. I don’t believe that practitioners should just throw supplements and suggestions at clients. I’m here to hold space for you, and offer my expertise, but ultimately you have to implement and those decisions need to feel good to you (and be manageable).

Together we will dig into diet, lifestyle changes, discuss emotions, habits, identify exposures and infections, reprogram the subconscious (I'm a trained hypnotherapist), and run any necessary lab work or utilize energy testing. 

Here's how we can work together:

Case Review

This is the starting point if you’re wanting to work with me 1:1, and include a 2 hour consultation which reviews extensive health history, food logs, and any recent labs. 

From there we develop a custom protocol to get started on with suggestions around food, lifestyle, and stress management. 



Private Consulting

Following the Case Review, our time together is spent working on lifestyle factors, food choices, subconscious reprogramming, nervous system regulation, discussing supplements, and reviewing labs. Throughout the program, you will have unlimited access to me in my secure portal. 

*Prices vary based on package chosen



This is a transformational space where I empower YOU to be your own best self healer.

Throughout our time together you'll learn (in a simple way) how to look at your own labs, optimizing gut and hormone health, somatic movement and other tools for nervous system regulation, hypnotherapy sessions, and more. 
