MyĀ Blog

The Downside of Supplementing With Iron and Vitamin D


Let's talk about supplementing with both iron and vitamin D. These two are very often supplemented with (especially with digestive issues and endometriosis). But, is there a downside? My goal is to shed some light on why testing and supplementing with these two is not always the...

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Root Causes of Constipation (Part 2) constipation digestion ibs

Welcome back to part 2 of my constipation series! If you missed part 1, click HERE to go read that blog first, as I like to start with the basics before diving into more complex root causes. Today we’re talking about root causes of constipation that perhaps you had never considered....

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Root Causes of Constipation (Part 1) constipation digestion ibs

Poop…one of my favorite things to talk about. Why is that? Well, if you haven’t read my bio, I struggled with digestive issues for the better 2/3 of my life (and still have some struggles today). While years ago I would have preferred to avoid the topic of poop, today I have a good...

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I Was Diagnosed With IBSā€¦Now What? digestion fodmaps ibs

I remember that day very clearly. I’d been dealing with years (upon years upon years) of digestive issues, and had done every test under the sun searching for answers. Finally they told me “it’s IBS.” Now back then, I felt a sense of relief. You have a diagnosis, you can...

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6 Signs Your Gut Needs Work digestion hormones ibs

Almost everything starts in the gut. You have more bacteria in your gastrointestinal system than you have cells in your body, 80% of your immune system is housed there, and the majority of neurotransmitters are produced there. So, it makes sense that your gut really does control the overall...

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Do You Have a "Leaky Gut?" ibs leaky gut

This is such a common question that I get. First, know that it is ‘technically’ called intestinal permeability, but somehow it was coined with a nickname of leaky gut. Second, this is not a disease or an illness, but a symptom (and quite common).


Leaky gut happens when the...

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Why Everyone Needs a Stool Test

I recently listened to a webinar by Dr Dan Kalish, who stated that he ran a comprehensive stool test on EVERY patient that walked through his door. At first I though…wow, that’s a little excessive. But then as I started thinking about my own clients over the years, myself, and how...

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Is Low FODMAPS The Best With IBS?

First, some of you may be asking…what’s FODMAPS? It’s a diet created by Monash University in Australia, which has been proven to help with the symptoms of IBS (it’s also sometimes recommended for people with SIBO, Crohn’s, colitis, and other GI disorders). The...

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Are Food Thickeners Causing a Flare? ibd ibs

There are oh-so-many food additives in the grocery store these days. Even “paleo” labels are full of artificial ingredients. Thickeners are one of those. These are highly processed additives used in highly processed foods (you see where I’m going with this, right?)....

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Why Estrogen Matters with Endometriosis and IBS endometriosis estrogen ibs

Estrogen Dominance

While estrogen dominance is not a true diagnosis, it refers to the overall imbalance of estrogen to progesterone in the body. When we have too much estrogen in relation to progesterone, we can have profound implications. In the context of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS),...

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Why Functional Medicine isnā€™t Enough endometriosis functional medicine ibd ibs

Have you tried ‘all the things’ and worked with ‘all the practitioners’ only to find that you still are suffering? You’re not alone. Obviously I LOVE functional medicine. I’ve spent the past 2+ years studying it, and believe it’s what helped save my...

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