MyĀ Blog

Are Food Thickeners Causing a Flare? ibd ibs

There are oh-so-many food additives in the grocery store these days. Even “paleo” labels are full of artificial ingredients. Thickeners are one of those. These are highly processed additives used in highly processed foods (you see where I’m going with this, right?)....

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Why Estrogen Matters with Endometriosis and IBS endometriosis estrogen ibs

Estrogen Dominance

While estrogen dominance is not a true diagnosis, it refers to the overall imbalance of estrogen to progesterone in the body. When we have too much estrogen in relation to progesterone, we can have profound implications. In the context of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS),...

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Why Functional Medicine isnā€™t Enough endometriosis functional medicine ibd ibs

Have you tried ‘all the things’ and worked with ‘all the practitioners’ only to find that you still are suffering? You’re not alone. Obviously I LOVE functional medicine. I’ve spent the past 2+ years studying it, and believe it’s what helped save my...

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